Set Up Your Own AI ChatBot In Under One Hour

SPOILER: GPT Trainer - Artificial Intelligence Over Your Own Data

Today, I'll focus on Training your own AI Chatbots with ChatGPT-Trainer, a powerful new ai tool that I learned about in a recent video by Matt Wolfe.

Set up an ai chatbot this evening. (image by author)

I am super excited - especially after what I discovered after digging deeper!

It took me about 30 minutes to set up my first AI ChatBot which is based on a course I created back in 2015. Members of my website can already talk to the bot - and I’ll show you how you can set up the same for your website.

What is GPT Trainer?

Every so often, a tool emerges that revolutionizes the way we approach a task. For those aiming to create AI chatbots on their own data, GPT Trainer might just be that tool.

Let's delve deep and explore the marvel that is GPT Trainer.

Overview of GPT Trainer

GPT Trainer isn't just another chatbot builder; it's a solution sculpted for the digital age. Whether you're a novice with zero coding knowledge or a seasoned developer looking for an efficient tool, GPT Trainer is your answer.

Understanding the GPT Trainer interface

So, what makes this platform stand out? It's the intuitiveness it brings. No more fumbling around confusing interfaces. GPT Trainer ensures a smooth journey from start to finish and you can get started for free.

Researching The Project Before I Sign Up

It was easy to find the feature page on LinkedIn and there are just 200 people following, but this is a sub-page of Petal AI Software.

GPT-Trainer Page on LinkedIn

Petal AI-Powered Document Analysis Software

Finding the LinkedIn Business page for any new AI Tool is a standard first step to get some idea of the validity of the project and also to get to know a bit about the company culture.

Petal AI-Powered - business page on LinkedIn (screenshots by author)

Time To Learn More About GPT-Trainer

The GPT-trainer project allows users to build their own AI assistant without requiring coding knowledge.

It focuses on accuracy, privacy, and integration. The platform provides various AI models to enhance customer support, streamline HR processes, and assist in language translation, technical documentation, and business analysis.

They prioritize security by employing strict measures to prevent data loss and unauthorized access, with a unique human-in-the-loop context curation for content accuracy.

Additionally, it offers seamless integration with popular tools like Google Drive, Wix, and WordPress, among others… so let’s play!

First Business Problem To Solve With AI

Customer Engagement with AI Tools (image by author)

Let’s focus today on customer engagement and business process automation.

➤➤ A common problem small businesses face is handling different kinds of customer queries in real-time without burning a hole in their pocket.

Most customer queries area answered in the company documents but most users prefer to speak with a company expert who knows the answers rather than reading through the docs themselves.

With AI chatbots - the game has changed and so too is customer expectation.

Through this 3-hour plan, I aim to provide an in-depth understanding of how you can leverage GPT Trainer, an advanced chatbot builder, to tackle this issue and improve your business operations.

Explaining GPT Trainer: A 3-Hour Guide to Empowering Your Chatbot Experience

Expected Benefits:

Upgrading your customer engagement through chatbots offers significant advantages.

  1. Automation: One chatbot can handle multiple customer interactions simultaneously, freeing up your human resources.

  2. 24/7 Support: The internet never sleeps, and with a chatbot, your business doesn’t have to either. A chatbot can handle queries at all hours.

  3. Customer Satisfaction: Immediate response times mean happier customers, leading to better reviews and more business.

How to Get Started:

What Does the 3-Hour Package Include?

In these 3 hours, you'll learn how to:

  1. Set up GPT Trainer

  2. Customize it according to your business needs

  3. Safeguard your data

  4. Embed it into your website

  5. Measure its efficacy

Step-by-Step Guide:

I signed up using my Google account and the system asked me to provide a unique password in addition to being signed in to my Google account.

Initial Setup: Start by signing up on the GPT Trainer platform. It's a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) offering, meaning everything is online. Your data will be stored on Amazon Web Services servers located in Oregon, USA.

To me, the project is missing the benefits of decentralized data storage security that is provided by blockchain projects. But that’s a story for a different day.

Creating my first chatbot on GPT-Trainer

First I’ll set up the details for the chatbot and tune it with some prompts that I have already been using to customize ChatGPT output. Good place for a rough start and then we can tune in after I get some user testing.

Manage Chatbot

Customize the Chatbot Branding

I’ll set up a chatbot for a current project of mine.

Data Upload: 

Key Features of GPT Trainer

Diving deeper, several features set GPT Trainer apart from its peers.

Easy data input options

Got data? GPT Trainer has you covered.

Uploading directly Skip the hassle. Upload your data directly and watch the magic unfold.

Integrating with cloud drives Ever heard of a chatbot builder that lets you pull data from Google Drive? Welcome to GPT Trainer.

Using URLs for data scraping Provide a website URL, and GPT Trainer will scrape the needed data. Yes, it's that simple.

Direct text input Not a fan of uploads or URLs? Directly input text, and you're good to go.

GPT Trainer is versatile. You can upload data in various formats like .pdf, .docx, .txt, and more, or provide URLs for automatic scraping.

I uploaded the Free PDF that teaches my entire crypto trading plan and I also included a document I wrote years ago about staying safe from pump and dump groups.

I’m interested to see how the answers blend together concepts from both documents.

I have plenty of capacity to upload more of the books and course material that I have on the topic of crypto trading - pretty cool. I’ll be sure to check that out maybe for the premium members in my group.

Test Deployment of the ChatBot inside GPT-Trainer

I am delighted by the output so far and impressed by how the reference links open up the original doc for more info.

When I asked a question outside the knowledge - I am happy with the reply.

For now I’ve elected to include an option for an email from the user. But because I’ve only deployed my chatbot inside a free members area, I already know that people must be logged in to my website to access the bot.

Language Support: If your business caters to a diverse audience, rest easy. The service supports over 95 languages, thanks to its use of OpenAI's GPT-3.5 and GPT-4 models. I haven’t tested this but will be asking my users for testing.

Customization: Design your chatbot’s persona using template-guided prompt engineering. Make it as formal or friendly as you want!

Embedding: To integrate the chatbot into your website, either embed an iframe or add a chat bubble to the bottom-right corner of your webpage.

Deploy your chatbot

iframe script to embed chatbot

Working AI ChatBot In Under One Hour

My chatbot is going through limited access testing and talking with our new ai chatbot will be promoted as a bonus for those who download my Free PDF.

Costs vs. Benefits:

The GPT Trainer package that I set up was the free level.

After testing a while, I’ll share my results and what the next step plans are.

Additional Resources:

  1. Data Security: Learn more about how GPT Trainer safeguards your data here.

  2. OpenAI Policies: Check out OpenAI's data usage policies here.

I hope this guide gives you a detailed overview of what GPT Trainer can do for you. With a 3-hour commitment, you can take significant strides in automating your customer service, saving you both time and money.

The uniqueness of GPT Trainer

The beauty of GPT Trainer lies in its adaptability. Ever thought of crafting a chatbot that feels like a reflection of your brand? With GPT Trainer, it's a reality. The platform allows users to train their chatbot, akin to Chat GPT, using their specific data. No more generic chatbots.

Customizing your chatbot

Imagine greeting your website visitors with a personalized message or suggesting questions to kickstart the conversation. With GPT Trainer, personalization takes center stage. Mold the chatbot's appearance to resonate with your brand's ethos.

Analyzing chatbot performance

Reflection is the key to progress. GPT Trainer empowers users with insights, allowing them to review chat interactions and refine the bot for a better user experience.

User interface and integration

Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication. The user-friendly interface ensures that anyone can effortlessly build a chatbot. Moreover, GPT Trainer seamlessly integrates with most website builders, enhancing its usability.

To Wrap It Up

Step Up Your Customer Support

Customer support is the backbone of any service and any business.

➤➤ GPT Trainer is a super cool ai tool to create chatbots that match your personality. GPT Trainer is a force to reckon with in the chatbot arena.

Set up ai powered customer support chatbot (image by author)


  1. What is GPT Trainer's USP? GPT Trainer allows users to create bespoke chatbots using their data, ensuring a unique chatbot experience.

  2. Can I integrate GPT Trainer with my existing website builder? Absolutely! GPT Trainer is compatible with most website builders.

  3. Is coding knowledge necessary to use GPT Trainer? No, GPT Trainer is designed for both novices and experts, ensuring a hassle-free experience.

  4. How does GPT Trainer aid in refining the chatbot's performance? Users can review all chat interactions, providing insights to continually enhance the chatbot.

  5. Are there any offers available for GPT Trainer? Yes, there are various offers available on their official website. It's always a good idea to check for the latest deals.


With so many small newsletters with big claims, these are the two that stand out from twenty startups.

Simple AI

➤ offers the Agent AI newsletter, which helps over 100,000 subscribers learn to use AI agents to enhance their careers or businesses. It covers practical insights, strategies, and updates on AI developments, making it easier for readers to stay ahead in the AI landscape. - Read Here.


➤ The AI PMO provides AI tools, strategies, prompts, and workflows to enhance the efficiency of project management offices (PMOs). Over 634 PMO leaders receive free, practical AI insights every Thursday, helping them to amplify their team's efforts and become AI thought leaders in their organizations. - Read Here.


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