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Automate Social Media Like a Pro Even if You Are a Complete Beginner

How I Turn YouTube Video into Multi-Platform Content

A few months ago, I found myself staring at the same problem many content creators face: I was spending countless hours creating content, but it never seemed to reach its full potential.

I’d pour my heart into a YouTube video, but after it was uploaded, it felt like I was leaving money on the table by not repurposing that content across all my social media platforms.

The idea of rewriting the same content for my Beehiiv Newsletter, my profile on Medium, Twitter, Reddit, Facebook, and my business page on LinkedIn, was overwhelming.

That’s when I discovered MAKE, a platform that changed the game for me.

This completely changes how work each day! (midjourney image by author)

➢ Today, I’m going to share how I used MAKE to automate my content repurposing, transforming a single YouTube video into engaging posts across all my social media platforms.

The Overwhelming Challenge of Content Creation

Like many entrepreneurs and content creators, I was trying to maintain an active presence across multiple platforms.

I had a Newsletter website with Beehiiv, a YouTube channel, and accounts on Medium, Twitter, Reddit, Facebook, and LinkedIn. But keeping each of these channels updated with fresh content felt like a never-ending battle.

Every time I created a new piece of content, I knew I needed to tailor it for each platform’s unique audience and format, but that took time—time I didn’t have.

For example, after uploading a new YouTube video, I’d spend hours transcribing it, rewriting the transcript into a blog post, and then adjusting that post for my social media platforms.

By the time I was done, I felt exhausted, and the cycle would start all over again with the next video.

I knew there had to be a better way.

Discovering MAKE: My Automation Solution

One day, while searching for ways to simplify my workflow, I stumbled upon MAKE.

MAKE (formerly known as Integromat) is an automation platform that connects different apps and services, allowing you to create complex workflows without any coding.

The idea of using MAKE to automate my content repurposing was intriguing, but I was also hesitant. I had no technical background, and the thought of setting up automated workflows sounded intimidating.

But I decided to give it a shot, and I’m so glad I did.

From YouTube Video to Blog Post: My Step-by-Step Process

Here’s how I used MAKE to transform a YouTube video transcript into a fully-fledged content strategy across multiple platforms:

1. Transcribing the YouTube Video

The first step was to get the transcript of my YouTube video. Fortunately, YouTube provides an automatic transcription feature. However, it comes with timestamps and without correct punctuation.

So I created a custom GPT that will clean up the transcript and format it for a blog post.

Access the GPT here.

Detailed Video Transcript Processor (by author)

Once the transcript was ready, I copy-paste the text to my beehiiv website.

2. Converting the Transcript into a Blog Post

The next step was to turn it into a blog post.

From hours to minutes.

The manual phase and final formatting of the content is now a breeze. The video screenshots provide quick images for the post and it’s ready to post and share to my Newsletter subscribers.

3. Reposting to Medium

A quick and powerful way to extend the reach of my content is to repost my Beehiiv newsletter content to a topical Publication on Medium.com.

This also creates another important backlink to our website - building the topical authority presence for the main website.

4. Repurposing the Blog Post for Social Media

The manual blog process was cut from hours to minutes with the use of AI Tools, but it gets even better with automation. This is where MAKE starts to work its magic.

Once the blog post was live, the next challenge was to adapt it for different social media platforms.

I set up a scenario in MAKE that automatically pulled the RSS feed from the Beehiiv website, formatted it into social posts, and then uploaded it directly to each platform.

Each platform has its own audience and format, so simply copying and pasting the same content wouldn’t work. MAKE allowed me to automate this process too.

I set up a scenario where MAKE would take the blog post and automatically rewrite it for different platforms. For instance:

  • Reddit: The post was condensed into a catchy summary with easy-to-scan bullet-points and hashtags.

  • Facebook: A longer version of the post was created, tailored to spark engagement with questions and a call to action.

  • LinkedIn: The content was restructured to focus on building business and how-to messaging.

  • Twitter: Key points were extracted and turned into a 220 character post with no hashtags, focused on links back to the full blog post.

MAKE even allowed me to schedule these posts, ensuring that my content was consistently being shared across all platforms without any manual effort.

The Results: Saving Time and Maximizing Reach

The impact of using MAKE for content automation was immediate and profound.

What once took me hours now happened automatically, allowing me to focus on researching what content people are searching for and engaging with my audience.

Here are a few key results:

  • Spending Less Time: By automating the repurposing process, I cut down my content creation time by more than half. What used to take me a full day now took just a few minutes of setup time.

  • Better Content: By Instructing the AI to model great posts, my draft ideas were formatted into proven formats that improved my game.

  • Consistent Posting: Automation ensured that I was posting regularly on all platforms, which helped me maintain an active and engaged audience.

  • Broader Reach: By tailoring content specifically for each platform, I was able to reach a wider audience and increase my engagement rates across the board.

Case Study: Turning a YouTube Video into a Multi-Platform Content Strategy

To give you a concrete example, let’s look at one of my recent YouTube videos. The video was a tutorial on how to automate business processes using AI. Here’s how I used MAKE to repurpose this content:

  1. Transcript to Blog Post: I used the video transcript processor to automatically format the draft that published it as a blog post to my Beehiiv Newsletter.

  2. Post to Medium: I imported my post to Medium and submitted to a larger topical Publication to help reach a wider audience.

  3. Reddit: MAKE accesses ChatGPT to summarize the blog post into a short, attention-grabbing headline, quick-read point-form summary of the blog post, completed with a call to action and relevant hashtags.

  4. LinkedIn: For LinkedIn, we restructured the content to focus on the professional benefits of blog content, highlighting key points and linking back to the blog for more in-depth information.

  5. Facebook: The Facebook post is written with a stronger community approach with call to action and call to comment. Similar attention-grabbing captions and key points.

  6. Twitter: The content was summarized to grab attention and create curiosity to draw the visitor through to the video content.

The result? Within just a few days, my blog post received noticeably more views, and my engagement spiked. I saw an increase in traffic from LinkedIn and Twitter and unexpected connections started growing on our subReddit.

All of this was achieved with minimal effort on my part, thanks to the power of automation.

How You Can Get Started with MAKE

If you’re ready to start automating your content repurposing, here’s how you can get started:

1. Sign Up for MAKE

Create an account on MAKE. The platform offers a free plan that’s perfect for getting started with basic automations.

2. Identify Your Key Content Channels

Decide which platforms you want to automate. For example, you might focus on repurposing content for Reddit, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter.

3. Set Up Your Automations

Use our set of tested automation templates or create your own workflows to automate the process of transforming your content.

Start simple, such as automating the process of turning a blog post into social media posts, and then expand as you get more comfortable.

My stuff to Twitter. Simple. Powerful. (by author)

Daily Weather and Lodge News Blueprint (by author)

Get the word out (by author)

4. Test and Optimize

Run your automations and monitor the results. Make adjustments as needed to ensure your content is effectively tailored for each platform.

Conclusion: Transform Your Content Strategy with Automation

Using MAKE to automate my content repurposing was a game-changer. Not only did it save me time, but it also allowed me to reach more people with less effort.

If you’re struggling to keep up with the demands of content creation, I highly recommend that you grab our blueprints and give Make a try.

Whether you’re repurposing blog posts, videos, or social media updates, automation can help you work smarter, not harder.


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