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- FLUX AI Images Automated for Passive Income
FLUX AI Images Automated for Passive Income
Automate Amazon, Flux pro with ChatGPT, Make and Replicate
How to Make Money from Ultra-Realistic Images Using Flux AI
In this video, I'm going to give you my plan to make money from generating ultra-realistic images using the incredible Flux AI image generator and a Make automation to create some amazing content in minutes.
I'm making this video now because the workflow has become so simple that anyone can do this. All you need for this workflow is an Amazon product, its description, and a referral link.
That's how simple it is.
I'll show you how to generate these images and how to turn them into passive income content. Wait till the end of the video—you'll be even more amazed with Flux AI. Let's jump into it.
Automate Ultra-Realistic Flux AI Images
You've likely already heard of the Flux image generator because the results are pretty incredible.

These images look great; they look like real-life photos.

They're totally impressive.

For this video of the image generation, I've set up a really simple demonstration with a spreadsheet, a prompt generator, and the whole system goes through and posts it into two different places so we can take a look at it.

blueprinted adapted by author
I'm testing two different ways to automate FLUX image generation in my MAKE blueprints.
Shout out to @yangpten for creating Dumpling AI
and a shout out to @MoshehAvraham for your amazingly powerful setup for black-forest-labs
Here is my first image (1 of 2)
— ai-businessplans (@Aibusinessplans)
2:14 PM • Aug 28, 2024
The purpose of this is to create images of something that is going to sell and make some money.
Amazon Product to Blog Post Automation
For this example, I'm going over to Amazon best sellers, and I'm going to drill down into sports and outdoors, hunting and fishing, and finally, fishing. Here are the top sellers for fishing.
I don't think I have any fishing line, so let's do this braided fishing line. This will be the product that we do our automation on, and let's see what it builds for this fishing line spool.
We're going to take three pieces of content: the type, the description, and the link, and put them into our spreadsheet. Then we'll run the automation.
So, I'm going to take this as the title—"The Braided." For the description, I'll grab all of this, and for the link, I'll grab my Amazon referral link and put that into place.
One last thing to check in our automation—as the automation starts up, it's going to look into this spreadsheet under this sheet, and it's looking for anything that is status marked "ready." So, inside the spreadsheet, I'm going to change this status now to "ready," and then when we run the automation, it'll recognize this.
Setting Up the Automation and Generating the Image
The next step in the automation is to have ChatGPT take this information and create a product prompt.
What I'm looking for is the product to be on a table, on a shelf, or on a white background. The product should be hyper-realistic, and I want it to have the text "iFishCanada" down in the bottom corner.

That command will be sent over to the Black Forest Lab Flux image generator. The way we did that is to go into the HTTP protocols, grab the information, and then those variables are sent off to the Replicate API.
We give this some time to generate the image, then we make the request to pull the image back, get that file, and upload that file to Google Docs.
Then I'm also posting it to a page on Facebook and LinkedIn. Afterward, our spreadsheet is updated to let us know that this one has been fired.
So, we have the information in place. Everything should be ready to go. Let's run this and see what happens.
That was our simple version; we have a more complicated version that adds in a couple more steps with ChatGPT so that it's writing articles about the item itself and then posting it onto Medium, where we can edit and later share with our social media.
There we go, now it's uploading to Google Drive, and you should route it over to Facebook and LinkedIn as well. That'll update our spreadsheet.
There we go, our spreadsheet is up, so we have the file ID for the image, and we also have the statuses changed to let the spreadsheet know that this one has already been run.
So, now let's refresh our Facebook page and see what actually turned up from this.
Refining the Process and Training the AI
All right, so what I set this up to do is just post a notification that this is here.
So, check out this AI image I generated from the following prompt: "Create a hyper-realistic product image of braided fishing line. The fishing line should be displayed on a table or shelf against a clean white background, with greater abrasion resistance, and the text 'iFishCanada' should be in a small, contrasting front position at the bottom." So, we got it pretty good—"iFishCanada." Not bad.
When I get a couple more that really stand out the way I want, I'm going to take those and use them as examples for the AI so that it slowly trains it to do exactly what I want.
To me, this is super exciting because now I can create an image around a story and link back to the product.
You can see here in the spreadsheet, I've already prepared more detailed articles for a number of different items that people would use for a fishing trip checklist.
Creating Contextual Images and Problem-Solving Content
The full version of this sample flow includes a couple of important points where it does customer research on everybody's comments about the product in question.
Then it generates the image prompt based on the customer responses.
We should be seeing people experiencing the product inside this image, more than just the product on a shelf.
As this automation goes through, it creates a "problem, agitate, solve" article based on the customer research.
If people are having a particular difficulty, that is written into the problem-agitate-solve article.
So now, the image itself is contextual to the problems that people are having with this product.
The problem-agitate-solve article agitates that difficulty and then explains how this product solves that issue.
The idea with this example flow is that we're taking these amazing images and finding a way to tell a story around them that will convert people into a sale that will help them purchase the product and solve the problem they're having.
Running Another Sample Automation
Let's run another sample automation and see how this one turns out.
I set up the spreadsheet so that it will grab mosquito coils as the next article.
I figure it'll be a good complement to the article we just released yesterday on DEET, the insect repellent.
So, now we'll run the automation.
It goes to Amazon, reads the product, and gets the product reviews to see what people are actually saying about it, whether it's good or bad, and it summarizes all that. Then it uses that information for the image so that it's making the image prompt contextual.
Let's see what it's doing.

From the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Il1tDlIV3l4
So, the prompt is: "Create a hyper-realistic product image of mosquito coils in a visually appealing outdoor scene. The image should showcase the coils in a typical evening gathering setup, such as on a patio or near a campfire, highlighting their effectiveness for repelling insects. Incorporate elements such as outdoor seating, warm ambient lighting, and greenery to enhance the setting. Ensure the smoke from the coils is subtly visible, adding to the atmosphere. Include the text 'iFishCanada' in a contrasting font at the bottom."
Reviewing the Automation Process and Results
It sends off that command to the Replicate API, and then the automation has a sleep period where it waits for a full minute, giving lots of time for the image to be generated. There we go, it's grabbing it, uploading it to our Google Docs for storage and reuse later if it's a good image. Now we're writing the problem-agitate-solve article, which takes those customer reviews—things that were emotional to them—and includes them into this article. It agitates the problem and then solves the problem with the product.
Everything is then uploaded to Medium, and all of those parts are put together as a draft inside the Medium publication that we can go and check out.
More than that, everything is also stored inside our spreadsheet so that we can repurpose this content later.

Explaining the flow (by author)
Here's the draft submission, and the image is there. So, we go to the mosquito coils, and "iFishCanada" turned out amazing.
Those are not mosquito coils, but it's okay, I can use that.
Then what I can do is add in some stock images here, look for mosquito coils, and see if we actually get a mosquito coil. My image didn't turn out to be that good—it's not bad, I can use it.
Automating the Entire Content Creation Process
Now I can go through, read the article, space it out, and format it so that different parts of the article stand out where it fits.
I'll go through and read it carefully, getting down to the key benefits and what people are actually saying about the product. I am super excited about this content.
What’s Coming Next and How to Get Started
But you know, this is only one of the Flux generators out there.
There are several of them, and I'm setting up automation so that we can choose which one we want to generate the images from.
Now that we're set up on Replicate, it's easy to start going through all of these, find which ones are most powerful, and then set up automation so that we can just click a button and generate an image from each of these.
Not only do we have Black Forest Labs' Flux Pro, which we were using, but we've also got the realism one, which is fantastic.
There's also the Laura trainer, where you can put your own images in. I'll do a video on that one because I'll be putting my own images in there.

I'm going to train that one so that it creates my own images, and I want to have my image holding those products.

fake me (flux ai image)
These are absolutely astonishing things that are going on with image generation.

You’ll never guess who I bumped into in the coffee shop (flux ai image)
After we're generating these images and have them all automated, I'm going to automate them being turned into video, but that's coming next.
I don't want to get ahead of myself because there's so much going on.
It's easy to get overwhelmed with everything, so one step at a time.
I want to get these products out there and fill up my website with product posts that are going to earn money over time.
If you want to grab this automation and many more, you can join up for our 7-day trial, so you can log in, download everything, get everything working for free, and get money coming in.
Or if you want some help, you can stick around, and we'll help you get everything going.
I'd love to have you aboard.
Grab the blueprints, and let's get them working for us.
Be safe, everyone, and here's to your success.