I'm Starting X (twitter) From Scratch

Here's My 4 Phase Plan

Hello everybody and welcome back. Today, I am starting out on Twitter, or X. Now, I've done Twitter before in the past and it's just soaked up a bunch of time without giving me any kind of results to look at.

Yet Dan Coe, a man that I really respect, recently reinforced some important principles about Twitter, so I'm determined to give it another try.

This time, I'm going to use artificial intelligence to help me craft a strategy before I begin.

So in this guide, I'm going to walk you through exactly what I learned after having ChatGPT create standard operating procedures from the very best Twitter tutorials on YouTube.

I've condensed all of this down into a four-phase plan that I'm going to test on my brand new account.

Each video that I make for AI business plans is intended to become an individual lesson in the overall plan of making money online as a writer. The videos turn into a tutorial inside our community where we can continue the conversation, share case studies, and adapt the strategies and improve on them over time. We've got a bunch of different resources here, and if you'd like to access those different lessons, join our community here.


To increase engagement and followers on a small X (formerly Twitter) account by strategically following strategies distilled from the best YouTube Tutorials.

Four Zone Plan:

  1. Set up

  2. Learn

  3. Create

  4. Engage

Growing Followers on X (midjourney image by author)

Shout Outs and Tools

Before I jump into the four zones, I want to give a big shout-out and thanks to the creators who are part of my research thesis.

First, Dan Koe for inspiring the rest.

We've got Hype Fury, who has a few different videos on how to grow your Twitter account, some really great stuff there.

Another important video was Dave Geoghegan's "Six Twitter Hacks." Really great one, and thank you very much for that.

Dakota Robertson, thank you for your video on growing twitter followers; that was great stuff.

The Raw Startup also contributed some really good points.

So let's go over those four zones now.

Setting up to grow your followers on X (midjourney image by author)

1.) Set Up:

Learning from the Best

The last few days, I've been searching and watching a bunch of different videos that teach how to start out on Twitter from nothing in 2024, or how to start Twitter from scratch.

I took the transcript from each of these videos and had ChatGPT turn it into a standard operating procedure.

Soon, I began to see a standard pattern between the videos, and I started to collect some of the different gems and unique strategies and organized this.

This is how I will begin my new Twitter account, and I will prove out these strategies.

The first stage is the setup, where you're going to define your content and set up your profile. This is easy for me because I've already done a whole bunch of the research in the AI business plans, and I've got a bunch of content that I'm ready to start producing.

The cool thing is, next month I'll create another post that says, "I tried these Twitter strategies for 30 days and this is what I found."

I can do that same thing again in six months and say, "I tried these Twitter strategies for 6 months and this is what I found."

Each of these videos in the series will each become a really valuable revenue stream for me.

- Define Your Content Pillars (GAP Framework)

Define your niche and stick to it to attract like-minded followers.

Your content should fall into three categories:

  1. Growth Content: Topics related to trending subjects and well-known figures to attract a wider audience.

  2. Authority Content: Provide valuable insights and solutions to your audience's pain points, establishing you as a credible source.

  3. Personal Content: Share your story, failures, and unique experiences to connect with your audience on an emotional level.

- Optimize Your Profile

Your profile should be compelling and professional. Focus on these five parts:

  1. Profile Photo: Use a high-quality headshot.

  2. Banner: Match it to your brand's vibe.

  3. Bio: Clearly state what your account is about and back it up with authority.

  4. Username: Keep it simple and memorable.

  5. Pinned Post: Highlight a transformative story or a successful case study.

Grow your followers on X by learning from top profiles (midjourney image by author)

2.) Learn

A really interesting key is that most of the creators separated out a special time for learning and studying from your competitors. I was able to find a couple of tools like SparkToro, Social Bearing, and Circleboom to help analyze your competition and understand your audience better.

Another couple of really key points for the education part, or the learning part, was to analyze the past posts of the competitors that you want to replicate. Go back to their earlier posts and see what their content was like, and copy their strategy for your own. I was also really grateful to find the tool Tweet Hunter Chrome extension. It's good for finding successful content that you want to replicate, but it's also good for finding the content that you may want to comment under and some of the creators you may want to follow.

Find and Understand Your Audience

  • Use Tools: Leverage tools like SparkToro to understand your audience. This software helps identify what your audience talks about, who they follow, and their interests, including podcasts and YouTube personalities they engage with.

  • Targeted Engagement: Tailor your content to what your audience is interested in and actively participate in those conversations.

Analyze Your Competition

  • Open Platform: Twitter's open nature allows you to gather valuable insights about your competitors.

  • Tools for Analysis: Use tools like Social Bearings (free) and Circleboom (paid) to analyze competitor strategies. These tools help you understand what works for your competitors and inspire your approach.

Spend 1-2 hours daily consuming educational content. Take notes and store them for future content creation.

Analyze Past Posts:

  1. Use Twitter's search bar to search for posts from these creators using the format: from:username since:YYYY-MM-DD until:YYYY-MM-DD.

  2. Analyze their content from when they had fewer followers to identify successful post types.

  3. Incorporate similar content ideas into your own strategy.

Replicate Successful Content

  • Install Tweet Hunter X:

    1. Install the Tweet Hunter X Chrome extension.

    2. Use the extension to identify your best-performing tweets.

  • Generate New Content Ideas:

    1. Copy your top-performing tweets into ChatGPT with the prompt: "Remove the metadata from the following tweets and give them back to me in a numbered list."

    2. Use the cleaned tweets with the prompt: "Based on these tweets, give me another 10 ideas for my next posts using the same voicing and writing style."

Create content that grows your followers on X (midjourney image by author)

3.) Create

Then we finally get to the third stage, which is actually creating your content. So we did the setup, we did all the learning, and then finally we're going to get into creating the content. I was kind of surprised to see that many of the creators were recommending one to five posts per day and one to three really in-depth posts. What I'm intending to do is to create a long tutorial video like this, take the transcript of that, and make a blog post out of it. Then I'll make a Twitter series from that blog post, and throughout the week I'll keep tweeting back to that main blog post.

A couple of other tips that I picked up about creating the content were to repurpose your successful tweets from four or five months ago. That's a larger window of time than I was kind of expecting. I was expecting to do things from a month ago maybe. Also, the relevance of hashtags has been diminished, and really engagement is the key.

Consistency is key. Post 1-5 times a day to stay active in the algorithm and build familiarity. Use the "What, Why, How" framework for your posts:

  • What: State your idea.

  • Why: Explain its importance.

  • How: Provide actionable steps.

Create Long Posts Weekly

  • Post 1-3 in-depth posts weekly to build trust and authority. These posts should address significant pain points and offer comprehensive solutions.

  • Use a fantastic hook, actionable steps, and a call to action.

Create Unique Content

  • Share original content from your own experiences.

  • Authenticity and storytelling set you apart.

Limit Retweets

  • Keep your profile clean with original content.

  • Retweet sparingly to highlight your own voice.

Repurpose Successful Tweets

  • Recycle content from 4-5 months ago.

  • Reach new followers who missed the content the first time.

Relevance of Hashtags: 

  • Hashtags are not as crucial for promotion on Twitter as they are on other platforms. Focus on engaging content rather than relying heavily on hashtags.

Engagement is key for growing your followers on X (midjourney image by author)

4.) Engage

The last part of the four is the engagement, and that breaks down into two different sectors to be engaged with. That is the influencers and the people who are commenting and DMing you. Basically, this says that you've got to stay present and active, otherwise, you're just going to be invisible on Twitter. The activity and the engagement are almost as important as the content you're putting out.

Many of the creators said that you should create private lists and put the people that you want to follow and start engaging with their content, put them onto a private list, and check that list every day so that you can keep up with engaging on their content. Another really important tip was to respond to all the DMs and all of the comments on your posts because this shows your followers that you value their interaction and they're going to start interacting with you.

  • Audience Engagement: Twitter is a social network where engagement is crucial. Simply promoting your products without interaction will not yield results. Think of Twitter as a community where active participation is key.

  • Consistent Presence: Ensure you're present and active on Twitter throughout the day to stay engaged with your followers.

Make a list of 100 influential accounts in your niche. Engage with them daily by commenting meaningfully on their posts. This increases your exposure and credibility.

  • Active Participation: Engage in threads and conversations. If you don't engage, you'll remain invisible.

  • Visibility Through Engagement: By participating in discussions and interacting with others, you increase your visibility and build valuable connections.

Engaging With Influencers

  • Create Lists:

    1. Navigate to the lists section on X.

    2. Create three lists named "Small Accounts," "Medium Accounts," and "Large Accounts" in your niche.

    3. Make these lists private to avoid alerting others.

  • Populate Lists:

    1. Add relevant accounts to each list.

    2. Regularly update the lists with new accounts as you discover them.

Engaging with Comments and DMs

  • Respond to every DM and comment.

  • Show your followers you value their interaction.

  • Make your comments meaningful and insightful.

Reply Strategy:

  1. Analyze how big accounts reply and mimic their style by adding your insights.

Daily Engagement:

  1. Set aside dedicated time each day for engagement.

  2. Aim to engage with 10-25 people from your lists daily.

  3. Rotate through your lists to ensure a broad engagement strategy.

  4. Like the posts before replying.

  5. Ensure your replies are positive, add value, and answer questions directly.

  6. Include relevant quotes or points from the original post to show your engagement.

Specialized Strategies to Consider

I'll wrap up with a specialized strategy to consider, which is Twitter Spaces, where everybody can get in there and talk with voice. I'll have to work on that one a little bit, and if you know some strategies with Twitter Spaces, let me know down in the comments below.

What is Twitter Spaces?

Twitter Spaces is a feature that allows users to host live audio conversations. It's an underutilized tool that can significantly boost your engagement and following.

How to Get Started with Twitter Spaces

  1. Join Other Spaces First:

    • Listen and observe how other hosts manage their Spaces.

    • React and engage with the posts to show support.

  2. Host Your Own Space:

    • Decide on a topic that interests your audience.

    • Launch the Space and start the conversation.

    • Invite guests, especially those with larger followings, to join your Space.

  3. Be a Good Host:

    • Ensure everyone in the room has an opportunity to speak.

    • Engage with your audience, answer questions, and keep the conversation lively.


To close the video, I invite you to follow my new Twitter account:

I'm going to go into my spreadsheet of all of my YouTube videos, blog posts, and Medium posts.

I'm going to create some long Twitter lists for each one of those, and I'm going to start scheduling out some highlights from each of these videos on Twitter to link back to the specific chapters inside the YouTube videos and see how that turns out over the next 30 days.

Thanks again for tuning in to the very beginning of my new account on X, or formerly known as Twitter.

Be sure to join our community in the link below because I'll be posting more details about how I'm using ChatGPT to help me master Twitter.

Stay safe everybody. Here's to your success.

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Simple AI

➤ Simple.ai offers the Agent AI newsletter, which helps over 100,000 subscribers learn to use AI agents to enhance their careers or businesses. It covers practical insights, strategies, and updates on AI developments, making it easier for readers to stay ahead in the AI landscape. - Read Here.


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