Turn AI Art into Money

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In this video, I'm going to show you the entire process that I'm doing for making passive income with Flux AI images.

Automated ai art production with make and Flux AI (by author)

It takes today's weather, ChatGPT generates the prompt for creating the image, and then it's sent off to four different models in this automation.

It waits for 70 seconds, then requests the image, and uploads it to Google Drive. I can download it to my computer, and here's the image that it just generated.

A lone kayaker enjoys a peaceful autumn day on a clear lake, surrounded by vibrant orange and red fall foliage. The sky reflects perfectly in calm water, creating a stunning mirrored view (by author)

Now that the image has been generated, I want to open it in the upscaler, which will take the image from where it was and upscale it to a much sharper image.

You can upload it and start making these images yourself and follow this process to start making some passive income online. I save the image, and it'll go through the process of generating it.

Uploading AI Images to Adobe Stock

I save it to my local drive, and then I upload the image to Adobe Stock. Once the image is uploaded, I have to answer some questions. I'll put it in as an illustration of a landscape scene, and it is created using AI tools. The people are fictional. Now, I need a title and up to 49 different keywords. So I take a screenshot of the image—just this little wee image is all I need—and I bring that image over to ChatGPT. I upload it, and this GPT is trained to give me the description and the keywords for this image based on that little screenshot.

There we go—"lone kayaker." I'll bring that over, put the title in, and then copy and paste the keywords. Everything looks good, and it gives me a green light here, so I know it's good. I save the work and can submit this file. I usually submit files in batches, spending half an hour going through a bunch of different images. Then I find out which are all the cats, verify them, and submit the image.

Training Flux AI with Personal Images

Here are the images I have now submitted. I have 69 images submitted, and I'll see how they're going. Nothing has been approved yet—it'll take up to eight weeks—but I'm going to keep doing this every day with a group of different pictures and see how it turns out over time. One thing I did is train the Flux AI on my own image. I signed a release with myself so that I could post myself onto these images, and people can use these for whatever they want.

I've just gone through the same process, where it told me the description of the image and the keywords, and I put it up there as an example. Maybe you can become a professional model yourself—I don't know. We'll see what the results are.

Here are some of the other themed camping and fishing images I have. I'm going to continue creating these images, but I've switched from doing landscape views to views that can be used in animation.

Turning AI Images into Eye-Catching Animations

Check out this example.

It's astonishing what this animation does from a simple still-frame picture. Here, again, it's putting the canoe in, and I did a different prompt so that it zooms in on the still frame. It takes the still-frame generated image and turns it into this amazing animation that we can put words over, creating fantastically eye-catching reels.

These can go out on TikTok, YouTube Shorts, and Facebook. There's going to be a lot of uses for these as I start processing more.

It's super exciting what this whole process can do.

So there you have it—my entire process:

  1. how I set this up to run and create images,

  2. how I upscale them,

  3. how I upload them to Adobe Stock, and

  4. how I use ChatGPT to give me the description and keywords I need to submit them

Let’s see if they turn into passive income.

Get the Blueprint for Passive Income with AI Art

Thanks for reading all the way through! I appreciate you being here—here's to your success.

Flux ai images by author


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