Starting a New Store on WHOP

Step-by-step WHOP tutorial

Starting a new store on the WHOP platform can be a highly rewarding experience, especially with the added incentives and potential for passive income.

This guide and video provide a step-by-step walkthrough for setting up your store on WHOP, including insights into the review process and how WHOP ensures the quality of listings before they go live on the Marketplace.

Table of Contents

Watch me create this store in the video (image by author)

Step 1: Initial Setup and Incentives

  1. Create a New Store:

    • Begin by setting up your store on WHOP. Choose a compelling name and niche for your store.

    • Incentives: For a short time, WHOP offers incentives such as a trip to New York City if you reach $500 in revenue within the first seven days. This can be a significant motivator to quickly set up and market your store.

Step 2: Adding Products and Customizing Your Store

  1. Add a Simple App:

    • Start by adding a simple app to your store. This can include a downloadable file or PDF.

    • Customizing Your Store: Customize the layout and interface of your store. Ensure it is user-friendly and visually appealing. Use search engine optimization (SEO) best practices by creating a relevant page name and slug.

  2. Media Gallery and Features:

    • Upload images to your media gallery, ensuring they meet the required specifications (e.g., 2,000 by 1,000 pixels). Incorporate logos and headers that reflect your brand.

    • Product Details: Clearly list the features of your product. Include sections for FAQs, social links, and additional relevant information.

Step 3: Setting Up Product Details and Automations

  1. Create a Product:

    • Develop a product listing, specifying if it is a free product or paid. Set access controls, such as expiration dates, to create a sense of urgency and encourage prompt engagement.

    • Include Essential Files: Ensure all necessary files are included in the app, making it easy for customers to access the product immediately upon purchase.

  2. Automation and Email Sequences:

    • Implement a strategy to connect new customers to a 7-day email series, building your subscriber base. I use Beehiiv for email marketing automation.

    • Email Sequence: Craft an engaging email sequence that guides users through using your product, setting up necessary integrations, and maximizing the value of their purchase.

Engage new members with an email series (screenshot by author)

Step 4: Applying to the WHOP Marketplace

  1. Prepare for Marketplace Application:

    • Before applying to the WHOP Marketplace, ensure your store meets all necessary criteria:

      • Customer Review: Obtain at least one customer review. This can be from a free sign-up, but the review must be genuine and provide constructive feedback.

      • Product Descriptions and Features: Ensure your product descriptions are detailed and highlight the key benefits and features of your offerings.

      • Paid Products: A paid product is a requirement for listing in the Marketplace.

  2. Join the Marketplace:

    • Submit your application to join the WHOP Marketplace. WHOP will review every detail of your store, including screenshots, page content, and product listings.

    • Review Process: WHOP's review process is thorough. They will check and verify all details to ensure quality and compliance with their standards.

Step 5: Handling Reviews and Continuous Improvement

  1. Managing Customer Reviews:

    • WHOP requires at least one customer review before a store can be listed on the Marketplace. This review must be approved by WHOP to ensure authenticity and relevance.

    • User Experience: Provide an excellent user experience and follow up with customers via email, thanking them for their purchase.

    • Request Feedback: Ask for a review and provide a link to make it easy for your happy members.

  2. Continuous Improvement:

    • Regularly update your store with new products, improved descriptions, and additional features. Monitor customer feedback and make new content they request.

    • Revenue Streams: Explore additional revenue streams such as affiliate marketing, advertising boosts, and premium content. Integrate these into your email marketing strategy to maximize earnings.

Start your Whop Store Today.

Wrapping Things Up

Starting a store on WHOP involves careful planning, customization, and adherence to their quality standards.

By following this Step by Step Guide to creating a Store on Whop, you can create a professional and appealing store that attracts customers.

Focus on providing value, engaging with your audience, and continuously improving your offerings to achieve long-term success on the WHOP platform.

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