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  • How I Gained 259 Free Targeted eMail Subscribers to my Beehiiv Newsletter

How I Gained 259 Free Targeted eMail Subscribers to my Beehiiv Newsletter

And How You Can Do The Same Today

In this video, I'm going to show you how I added these 259 free qualified email to my Beehiiv newsletter and I set up a make automation that brings in new subscribers every day.

I'm going to show you how to do the same.

Table of Contents

Earn With Beehiiv Newsletters

I can make money as a Beehiiv newsletter publisher by recommending other newsletters. I recently applied to boost many other Beehiiv newsletters, and as I reviewed the pool of newsletters willing to pay $2 for every new subscriber,

I found something that surprised me and made me realize how many other Beehive newsletter publishers could benefit from what I'm going to show you today.

The majority of the newsletters are small operators who are trying to grow their list and are willing to pay $2 per subscriber.

In the video, I show you how to gain these subscribers for free, and not just random subscribers, but opt-in subscribers who are actually seeking your solutions.

The automations that I'll show you today saved me as much as $400, but they also created a new revenue stream for me.

Setting Up Automation with Make

Here's what I did:

I created an automation on Make that will import all of the user data from my store on the Whop marketplace into a Beehiiv eMail sequence.

The Make automation imports the data into my Google Sheets and then connects to the Beehive API, where it starts new subscribers on an email sequence.

Testing The MAKE Automation

After we set up this automation, we're ready to get a steady stream of free email subscribers anytime somebody signs up for our free offer. The other day, I created a new free store.

There's a video here that'll show you how to go through and create your own store.

Now, anytime somebody signs up for any of these free offers, I can put them through my email sequence, and those emails can be monetized through boosts and ads.

The best part of what we're working on here today is that you can have

  1. a free account on Make, set up

  2. a free Beehive newsletter, and for the first 30 days, you get access to all of the features so that you can really get yourself going.

  3. You can create a free store over on WHOP.

Whop Store Owners on Times Square

There's a new exciting thing over on the WHOP Marketplace.

If you set up a store right now and in the first seven days, you make $500 worth of sales, they will fly you to New York and give you this special surprise on Times Square.

Trip to NYC (screenshot by author)

Look at these guys,

 the upper hand,

 viral digital wealth.

Fantastic high five! This is fantastic for you guys. I'm super pumped.

Though my project may not get the $500 sales in the first week, I am definitely going to be helping more people, and this is going to grow my business.

Benefits of Make Automations

Let's go over these Make automations that add my store members to my Beehiiv newsletter, where I can earn money every day from ads and boosts.

I had my original store for many months, and it gathered these 250 subscribers, but there wasn't a way for me to follow up by email until now.

WHOP has a partnership with MailModo, and it looks really great, but I didn't set up MailModo because of the monthly fee.

When I was setting up my store on Whop, I was super impressed by the number of different things I could integrate to make features from outside programs into my membership, things like Discord and Trading View and my website authentication.

While I wondered if it had the same integration capability to go out to other applications, I never really spent much time figuring that out.

But over the past few months, I've been building out some crazy blueprints on Make.

Things like our popular Twitter automation and social media automation.

I put together a seven-pack of blueprints that automate $50,000 worth of content for your business every single year.

A Simple Mistake Held Me Back

Then, I created this new store to give away these blueprints that'll generate email leads that I can put into my Beehiiv newsletter.

It was after crafting all of these different automations that I decided I was going to make the integration work for me.

I started out the research, but for three days, I could not get the simplest data to pull in.

  • I tweeted and asked for help,

  • went to Discord and asked for help,

  • and bugged the amazing support crew inside the support.

These guys are really great. They were there for me all the time.

When I finally discovered my simple error and fixed it, boom, I could finally draw in all of my data and connect it to Beehiiv for this automated email sequence.

As a result of watching this video, I hope that you start up your free 30-day trial on Beehiiv, set up your own free store on Whop, connect up this MAKE blueprint, and start making money.

Connect up this blueprint and bring your side hustle to life!

You can monetize your product on Whop, you can monetize your email newsletter with advertisements and boosts, and your side hustle really can be making money for you in 30 days.

Creating a Simple Automation

In order to make this automation work, there's a very simple thing that you need. Now, I'll show you how to make this simple automation work.

We're going to go into our marketplace, scroll down to the developer area, and create an API key.

I'm going to call it test, and then I take this key, bring it to the automation, and put in my bearer token here and save it.

Once we have our API token, we can use the API reference to test things out.

This is where I got stuck for three days. I continually put my details into the apps area for the API reference, and it wouldn't give me the information I wanted because I was using a company API instead of an app API.

I didn't realize it, but I had to scroll down in this extra frame in order to bring up the Company API details.

I can put in my bearer token, then click on send, and it will give me feedback on the information it's going to send to me.

Then, I can use that formatting to set up the automations in Make.

This is how I'm able to retrieve the user data, the list of the user social media accounts, and bring all of that into a spreadsheet where I can add the email to my email sequences.

I can also investigate the user's social media and start following them.

Whop Member MAKE Automation (screenshot by author)

Whop Members to Beehiiv Newsletter automation in MAKE (by author)

Beehiiv Newsletter Growth Tips

If you are a Beehive newsletter operator, I recommend that you set up your store so that you can generate some new free leads.

If you've got a sizable audience already, you can set up a shop. If you earn $500 in that first seven days, you're going to win this milestone.

Once you reach this $500 in revenue in the first seven days, you'll be flown to headquarters and have this special treatment in Times Square.

Whop Store Money Making Tips

If you are a WHOP store owner and you've got all these users that you haven't been able to email, then I suggest you get a free Beehiiv newsletter, use these MAKE automations, and connect the two together so that your audience goes through your sequence of email.

That wraps it up.

I'd like to invite you to go and grab all of our automations in our 7 Day Trial.

Go and sign up, get the Make blueprint bundle, and put all this stuff to work for you.

Be safe, everyone. Here's to your success.


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