Making Money with AI: 5 Steps on My Journey to Passive Income

How I Use AI Tools and Content Marketing for Shameless Personal Gain

How AI Automation Changed the Game

Hey there! I’m excited to share how AI tools have completely changed how I make money without constantly grinding.

I’m not shy to admit. This is Content Marketing for Shameless Personal Gain.

And you can do it too.

How I use AI Tools to Make Money (midjourney image by author)

Using AI for passive income has opened up multiple streams of revenue with hardly any ongoing effort.

One of my favorite tricks is automating the research and creation of niche-specific reports. With AI gathering economic data and turning it into engaging reports, I can easily publish content that my audience loves.

This not only saves me a ton of time but also keeps the cash flowing through ads and subscriptions.

Here's a quick look at my automated content creation process:



Time Saved


AI Data Miner

5 hours/week

Content Creation

AI Writer

3 hours/week


AI Formatter

2 hours/week

By automating these tasks, I save over 10 hours a week, giving me more time to focus on other money-making activities.

Building Multiple Income Streams

Having different ways to make money is crucial for long-term financial stability. With automation tools, I’ve set up several income sources that keep bringing in cash with almost no extra work.

  1. Monetizing a Newsletter: I’ve turned my Beehiiv Newsletter into a money-maker through ads and subscriptions. AI helps me curate content that keeps my readers hooked.

  2. Repurposing Content on By repurposing my content on Medium, I reach more people and earn through the Medium Partner Program. This boosts my visibility and income. For more details, check out automated solutions.

  3. Creating and Selling Courses: I’ve also created a course that I sell on The Whop Marketplace. This course shares my expertise and provides value to others while creating a steady income stream.

AI tools like OpusClip have also helped me post 10x more short-form content with just 10% of the effort, saving me over 10 hours a week and significantly growing my YouTube subscribers and video views.

By diversifying my income sources and using the power of AI, I’ve built a sustainable passive income strategy that keeps growing.

Want to learn more about AI-driven revenue strategies? Keep reading!

Strategies for AI-Driven Revenue

A game plan with predictable results for anyone (midjourney image by author)

Making money with AI automation isn't just a dream—it's a reality with the right game plan. Here’s how I’ve diversified my income and built a steady revenue stream using AI tools.

Diversifying Income Sources

Keeping your income flowing means not putting all your eggs in one basket. Here’s my playbook:

  1. Monetizing Newsletters: I set up a Beehiiv Newsletter site and cashed in through ads and subscriptions. This brought in a reliable monthly paycheck.

  2. Repurposing Content: I took my content to, tapping into their Partner Program. The platform's huge audience gave my work a big boost.

  3. Creating Courses: I built a course and sold it on The Whop Marketplace. This not only added another income stream but also positioned me as an expert in my field.

  4. Automated Reports: Using, I automated the research and creation of niche-specific economic reports. Publishing these on Medium could reach up to 2400 readers, adding to my earnings.

Building Sustainable Revenue

Building relationships requires consistency (midjourney image by author)

Sustainable income needs consistent effort and smart use of automation tools. Here’s my approach:

  1. Content Quality: I used AI tools like Chat GPT and Perplexity AI to automate content creation. Fine-tuning prompts led to top-notch blog posts that drew in more readers and subscribers.

  2. Short Form Content: With OpusClip, I churned out 10x more short-form content with just 10% of the effort. This saved me over 10 hours a week, grew my YouTube subscribers by 60%, and boosted video views by 5x.

  3. Strategic Partnerships: Teaming up with vendors and using their platforms increased my visibility and income. Collaboration is key to reaching new audiences and creating extra revenue streams.

  4. Tracking Metrics: I kept a close eye on my earnings and growth across different platforms. This data-driven approach helped me tweak my strategies and focus on the most profitable avenues.



Revenue Impact

Chat GPT & Perplexity AI

Quality Content

+30% Engagement


Efficient Content Production

+60% Subscribers

Vendor Partnerships

Increased Visibility

+20% Sales

Earnings Tracking

Data-Driven Strategy

Optimized Revenue

By mixing up my income sources and building sustainable revenue through AI platform, I’ve created a solid financial base. For more detailed strategies on using AI tools to make money, check out automated solutions.

Supercharging Your Content with AI

Using AI for content creation has totally changed the game for me. With AI automation, I've boosted the quality of my content while slashing the time and effort it takes to produce it.

Boosting Content Quality

AI tools like Chat GPT and Perplexity AI have become my secret weapons. They help me whip up top-notch blog posts in no time.

These tools generate smart prompts that lead to better content, making sure it's well-researched and engaging.

Check out this table to see how AI stacks up against the old-school methods:


Traditional Methods

AI Tools

Time Spent (hours/week)



Content Quality Score



Audience Engagement



SEO Performance



Machined AI has been a lifesaver for streamlining content creation.

It makes AI super easy to use for SEO, ensuring my content not only ranks well but also hits home with my audience.

Making Money with Online Platforms

Want to boost your online presence and rake in some passive income? Let me share how I’ve done it using two awesome platforms: and The Whop Marketplace.

Making Work for You is a goldmine for content creators.

It's where you can share your work and get paid through the Medium Partner Program. I took content from my Beehiiv Newsletter and repurposed it on Medium, reaching a bigger audience and earning through engagement metrics like claps, highlights, and comments.

Here’s a snapshot of my Medium earnings for May 2024:

These small amounts add up, especially when you link back to monetized articles or promote exchanges for extra cash. Using AI tools, I automated content creation, ensuring a steady stream of high-quality articles.

This saved me time and kept my content consistent.

If you’re looking to grow your online presence and make money writing, is a must-try. My success on Medium shows how powerful AI-driven content creation and smart platform use can be.

Cashing In on The Whop Marketplace

The Whop Marketplace is another great place to monetize digital assets like courses, Discord servers, and vendor promotions. I created a course on AI tools and automation and sold it on The Whop Marketplace.

This platform has been key in generating passive income and building a solid income system.

Here’s how I diversified my income streams on The Whop Marketplace:

Partnering with vendors has been crucial for bigger growth and passive income. By using free AI tools, I automated my marketing funnels, making it easier to attract and keep customers. This not only helped me monetize The Whop Marketplace but also set the stage for selling marketing funnels to businesses.

If you’re looking to create passive income streams, The Whop Marketplace is worth checking out. By combining automated solutions with smart partnerships, I built a sustainable revenue system that keeps growing.

By using platforms like and The Whop Marketplace, I maximized my earnings and built a diverse income portfolio. AI automation has been a game-changer in making this happen.

Making Money with Community Engagement

Want to make some cash while chilling with your online buddies? Community engagement is where it's at. Building strong communities and teaming up with vendors can seriously up your income game. Let's dive into how using platforms like Discord and vendor partnerships can fatten your wallet.

Building a Discord Community

Creating a buzzing Discord community is a killer way to connect with your audience and rake in some passive income.

Discord servers are perfect for gathering folks around your passion, whether it's gamefi, NFTs, or crypto blogging. With AI tools like AI automation, managing and growing your community becomes a breeze.

Start by giving away some cool free stuff—think PDFs or guides made with ChatGPT. These freebies lure people into your Discord server. Once they're in, offer them paid upgrades, all managed smoothly with automated solutions.




Free PDFs and guides


Attract new members

Manage roles and permissions AI tools

Easy community management

Paid upgrades automation tools

Earn passive income

Want more tips on using automation for community engagement? Check out our article on automation tools.

Teaming Up with Vendors

Partnering with vendors is another goldmine for boosting your income through community engagement. By teaming up with successful vendors, you can create a solid revenue stream. This means setting up affiliate programs, connecting with top sellers for marketing, and promoting paid memberships in your Discord community.

Take the WHOP Marketplace, for example.

Partnering with vendors there is key for big growth.

By working with vendors, you can offer exclusive deals to your community, making them more likely to pay for memberships.

Plus, engaging with your community on social media and Discord helps build a loyal following of crypto fans.




Affiliate programs AI platform

Earn commissions

Connect with top sellers

Social media, emails

Boost marketing

Promote paid memberships

Discord, automation tools

Increase revenue

For more on AI-driven revenue strategies, read our article on ai platform.

By mixing AI tools with smart partnerships, you can keep your community engaged and create multiple income streams.

The growth potential is huge when you use platforms like Discord and team up with vendors. Explore the full range of automated solutions to boost your earnings and grow your online presence.

Long-Term Success with AI

AI Tools for personal wealth. (midjourney image by author)

Making a steady income with AI automation isn't just about setting it and forgetting it. It takes some elbow grease, smart planning, and keeping an eye on things.

Here’s how I keep tabs on my earnings and growth while mixing up my income streams using AI automation tools.

Keeping an Eye on Earnings and Growth

Knowing how well your AI strategies are doing is key. By tracking performance, I can see what's working and what needs a tweak.

Here’s my playbook:

What to Watch

  • Money coming in from different places (like and The Whop Marketplace)

  • How many new subscribers I’m getting for my newsletters

  • How much people are engaging with my content

  • How well my courses and products are selling

I use a mix of tools to keep track of these, like Google Analytics, dashboards from each platform, and custom reports made with automated solutions.



How Often


Google Analytics, Platform Dashboards


Subscriber Growth

Beehiiv Dashboard


Engagement Rates

Social Media Analytics


Conversion Rates

Custom Reports from


Keeping tabs on these regularly helps me switch gears fast and keep growing all my income streams.

Mixing Up Income Streams

Putting all your eggs in one basket is risky. By spreading things out, I reduce risks and boost my overall earnings. Here’s how I do it:

Using Different Platforms

I create AI-driven content and share it on various platforms to reach more people and make more money. For example:

  • Beehiiv Newsletter: Makes money through ads and subscriptions.

  • Repurposed content to earn through the Medium Partner Program.

  • The Whop Marketplace: Created and sold courses.

Automating Tasks

With automation tools, I automate boring, repetitive tasks. This frees up my time to create better content and find new ways to make money.

Teaming Up with Vendors

I work with vendors to sell marketing funnels and other digital products. This not only brings in more cash but also helps build long-term business relationships.

By mixing up my income streams and using the power of AI platform, I keep my revenue steady and growing. This smart approach not only boosts my online presence but also builds a strong business that can handle market ups and downs.

For more tips on using automated solutions to make passive income, check out our detailed guides.

Making Money with AI: My Journey to Passive Income

How AI Automation Changed the Game

AI makes everything an even playing field (midjourney image by author)

One of my favorite tricks is automating the research and creation of niche-specific reports. With AI gathering economic data and turning it into engaging reports, I can easily publish content that my audience loves.

This not only saves me a ton of time but also keeps the cash flowing through ads and subscriptions.

Here's a quick look at my automated content creation process:



Time Saved


AI Data Miner

5 hours/week

Content Creation

AI Writer

3 hours/week


AI Formatter

2 hours/week

By automating these tasks, I save over 10 hours a week, giving me more time to focus on other money-making activities.

Building Multiple Income Streams

Having different ways to make money is crucial for long-term financial stability. With automation tools, I’ve set up several income sources that keep bringing in cash with almost no extra work.

  1. Monetizing a Newsletter: I’ve turned my Beehiiv Newsletter into a money-maker through ads and subscriptions. AI helps me curate content that keeps my readers hooked.

  2. Repurposing Content on By repurposing my content on Medium, I reach more people and earn through the Medium Partner Program. This boosts my visibility and income. For more details, check out automated solutions.

  3. Creating and Selling Courses: I’ve also created a course that I sell on The Whop Marketplace. This course shares my expertise and provides value to others while creating a steady income stream.

AI tools like OpusClip have also helped me post 10x more short-form content with just 10% of the effort, saving me over 10 hours a week and significantly growing my YouTube subscribers and video views.

By diversifying my income sources and using the power of AI, I’ve built a sustainable passive income strategy that keeps growing. For more tips on building sustainable revenue, check out ai platform.

Want to learn more about AI-driven revenue strategies? Keep reading!

Strategies for AI-Driven Revenue

Making money with AI automation isn't just a dream—it's a reality with the right game plan. Here’s how I’ve diversified my income and built a steady revenue stream using AI tools.

Diversifying Income Sources

Keeping your income flowing means not putting all your eggs in one basket. Here’s my playbook:

  1. Monetizing Newsletters: I set up a Beehiiv Newsletter site and cashed in through ads and subscriptions. This brought in a reliable monthly paycheck.

  2. Repurposing Content: I took my content to, tapping into their Partner Program. The platform's huge audience gave my work a big boost.

  3. Creating Courses: I built a course and sold it on The Whop Marketplace. This not only added another income stream but also positioned me as an expert in my field.

  4. Automated Reports: Using AI, I automated the research and creation of niche-specific economic reports. Publishing these on Medium could reach up to 2400 readers, adding to my earnings.


Revenue Stream

Monthly Income

Beehiiv Newsletter

Ads & Subscriptions

Partner Program

Whop Marketplace

Course Sales

Automated Reports

Medium Publications

Building Sustainable Revenue

Sustainable income needs consistent effort and smart use of automation tools.

Here’s my approach:

  1. Content Quality: I used AI tools like Chat GPT and Perplexity AI to automate content creation. Fine-tuning prompts led to top-notch blog posts that drew in more readers and subscribers.

  2. Short Form Content: With OpusClip, I churned out 10x more short-form content with just 10% of the effort. This saved me over 10 hours a week, grew my YouTube subscribers by 60%, and boosted video views by 5x.

  3. Strategic Partnerships: Teaming up with vendors and using their platforms increased my visibility and income. Collaboration is key to reaching new audiences and creating extra revenue streams.

  4. Tracking Metrics: I kept a close eye on my earnings and growth across different platforms. This data-driven approach helped me tweak my strategies and focus on the most profitable avenues.



Revenue Impact

Chat GPT & Perplexity AI

Quality Content

+30% Engagement


Efficient Content Production

+60% Subscribers

Vendor Partnerships

Increased Visibility

+20% Sales

Earnings Tracking

Data-Driven Strategy

Optimized Revenue

By mixing up my income sources and building sustainable revenue through AI platform, I’ve created a solid financial base. For more detailed strategies on using AI tools to make money, check out automated solutions.

Supercharging Your Content with AI

AI has changed content creation forever (midjourney image by author)

Using AI for content creation has totally changed the game for me.

With AI automation, I've boosted the quality of my content while slashing the time and effort it takes to produce it.

Boosting Content Quality

AI tools like Chat GPT and Perplexity AI have become my secret weapons. They help me whip up top-notch blog posts in no time.

These tools generate smart prompts that lead to better content, making sure it's well-researched and engaging.

Check out this table to see how AI stacks up against the old-school methods:


Traditional Methods

AI Tools

Time Spent (hours/week)



Content Quality Score



Audience Engagement



SEO Performance



Machined AI has been a lifesaver for streamlining content creation. It makes AI super easy to use for SEO, ensuring my content not only ranks well but also hits home with my audience.

Getting the Most Out of Automation Tools

Automation tools have been a game-changer for productivity and audience reach. Take OpusClip, for example.

It lets me churn out 10 times more short-form content with just 10% of the effort.

This has saved me over 10 hours a week, bumped up my YouTube subscribers by 60%, and increased video views fivefold.

Here's what OpusClip brings to the table:



Time Saved

10+ hours/week

Growth in Subscribers


Increase in Video Views


Another trick up my sleeve is breaking down long blog posts into bite-sized sections and scheduling them on

This keeps my content in the spotlight and drives traffic back to the original post. It's a great way to keep my content fresh and relevant.

By weaving these AI automation tools into my content creation process, I've seen a huge boost in my online presence. For more tips on making the most of these tools, check out ai tools and automated solutions.

Making Money with Online Platforms

Want to boost your online presence and rake in some passive income?

Let me share how I’ve done it using two awesome platforms: and The Whop Marketplace.

Making Work for You is a goldmine for content creators. It's where you can share your work and get paid through the Medium Partner Program.

I took content from my Beehiiv Newsletter and repurposed it on Medium, reaching a bigger audience and earning through engagement metrics like claps, highlights, and comments.

These small amounts add up, especially when you link back to monetized articles or promote exchanges for extra cash.

Using AI tools, I automated content creation, ensuring a steady stream of high-quality articles.

If you’re looking to grow your online presence and make money writing, is a must-try. My success on Medium shows how powerful AI-driven content creation and smart platform use can be.

Cashing In on The Whop Marketplace

The Whop Marketplace is another great place to monetize digital assets like courses, Discord servers, and vendor promotions.

I created a course on AI tools and automation and sold it on The Whop Marketplace.

This platform has been key in generating passive income and building a solid income system.

Here’s how I diversified my income streams on The Whop Marketplace:

Making Money with Community Engagement

Want to make some cash while chilling with your online buddies?

Community engagement is where it's at.

Building strong communities and teaming up with vendors can seriously up your income game.

Let's dive into how using platforms like Discord and vendor partnerships can fatten your wallet.

Building a Discord Community

Creating a buzzing Discord community is a killer way to connect with your audience and rake in some passive income.

Discord servers are perfect for gathering folks around your passion, whether it's gamefi, NFTs, or crypto blogging. With AI tools like AI automation, managing and growing your community becomes a breeze.

Start by giving away some cool free stuff—think PDFs or guides made with ChatGPT. These freebies lure people into your Discord server.

Once they're in for the 7 day trial, they can choose to keep access to the paid upgrades, all managed smoothly with Whop Marketplace.




Free PDFs and guides


Attract new members

Manage roles and permissions AI tools

Easy community management

Paid upgrades automation tools

Earn passive income

Want more tips on using automation for community engagement? Check out our article on automation tools.

Teaming Up with Vendors

Partnering with vendors is another goldmine for boosting your income through community engagement.

By teaming up with successful vendors, you can create a solid revenue stream. This means setting up affiliate programs, connecting with top sellers for marketing, and promoting paid memberships in your Discord community.

Take the WHOP Marketplace, for example.

Partnering with vendors there is key for big growth.

By working with vendors, you can offer exclusive deals to your community, making them more likely to pay for memberships.

Plus, engaging with your community on social media and Discord helps build a loyal following of crypto fans.




Affiliate programs AI platform

Earn commissions

Connect with top sellers

Social media, emails

Boost marketing

Promote paid memberships

Discord, automation tools

Increase revenue

For more on AI-driven revenue strategies, read our article on ai platform.

By mixing AI tools with smart partnerships, you can keep your community engaged and create multiple income streams.

The growth potential is huge when you use platforms like Discord and team up with vendors.

Explore the full range of automated solutions to boost your earnings and grow your online presence.

Long-Term Success with AI

Making a steady income with AI automation isn't just about setting it and forgetting it.

It takes some elbow grease, smart planning, and keeping an eye on things.

Here’s how I keep tabs on my earnings and growth while mixing up my income streams using AI automation tools.

Keeping an Eye on Earnings and Growth

Knowing how well your AI strategies are doing is key. By tracking performance, I can see what's working and what needs a tweak. Here’s my playbook:

What to Watch

  • Money coming in from different places (like and The Whop Marketplace)

  • How many new subscribers I’m getting for my newsletters

  • How much people are engaging with my content

  • How well my courses and products are selling

I use a mix of tools to keep track of these, like Google Analytics, dashboards from each platform, and custom reports made with automated solutions.



How Often


Google Analytics, Platform Dashboards


Subscriber Growth

Beehiiv Dashboard


Engagement Rates

Social Media Analytics


Conversion Rates

Custom Reports


Keeping tabs on these regularly helps me switch gears fast and keep growing all my income streams.

Mixing Up Income Streams

Putting all your eggs in one basket is risky. By spreading things out, I reduce risks and boost my overall earnings. Here’s how I do it:

Using Different Platforms

I create AI-driven content and share it on various platforms to reach more people and make more money. For example:

  • Beehiiv Newsletter: Makes money through ads and subscriptions.

  • Repurposed content to earn through the Medium Partner Program.

  • The Whop Marketplace: Created and sold courses.

Automating Tasks

With automation tools, I automate boring, repetitive tasks. This frees up my time to create better content and find new ways to make money.

Teaming Up with Vendors

I work with vendors to sell marketing funnels and other digital products. This not only brings in more cash but also helps build long-term business relationships.


Revenue Source

AI Tool Used

Beehiiv Newsletter

Ads, Subscriptions

Partner Program

The Whop Marketplace

Course Sales

Marketing Funnels

Vendor Partnerships

By mixing up my income streams and using the power of AI platform, I keep my revenue steady and growing. This smart approach not only boosts my online presence but also builds a strong business that can handle market ups and downs.

For more tips on using automated solutions to make passive income, check out our detailed guides.

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Be safe and make small steps forward every day.


With so many small newsletters with big claims, these are the two that stand out from twenty startups.

Simple AI

➤ offers the Agent AI newsletter, which helps over 100,000 subscribers learn to use AI agents to enhance their careers or businesses. It covers practical insights, strategies, and updates on AI developments, making it easier for readers to stay ahead in the AI landscape. - Read Here.


➤ The AI PMO provides AI tools, strategies, prompts, and workflows to enhance the efficiency of project management offices (PMOs). Over 634 PMO leaders receive free, practical AI insights every Thursday, helping them to amplify their team's efforts and become AI thought leaders in their organizations. - Read Here.


or to participate.