Making Money Online with AI Tools

How Much I Make by Using and AI Tools for Passive Income

Using AI for Passive Income

Making money with AI tools isn't just for tech wizards anymore.

Whether you're a startup, a business owner, a blogger, or a content marketer, AI can help you rake in some serious cash.

Here’s how you can get started:

  1. AI-Powered Newsletters: Ever thought about starting a newsletter? A Beehiiv Newsletter focused on AI tools can be a goldmine. You can make money through ads and subscriptions, turning your AI insights into a steady paycheck.

  2. Course Creation: Got some AI know-how? Share it! Create and sell courses teaching others how to use AI tools. Platforms like The Whop Marketplace let you set up a membership area where users can access your course materials, books, and private groups.

  3. Community: Launch a newsletter packed with practical AI tool use cases, mind maps of prompts, and a tool chest of various AI tools. Subscribers get valuable insights, and you earn through subscriptions and ads.

Creating Revenue Streams

Diversifying your income is a smart move and AI Tools can help.

Here are some strategies to consider:

  1. Ad Revenue: Run ads on your AI-focused content. If your content is engaging and attracts a big audience, you can make a tidy sum.

  2. Subscription Models: Offer premium content or exclusive access to AI tools and resources through a subscription model. This works great for newsletters, courses, and specialized content.

  3. Affiliate Marketing: Partner with AI tool providers and promote their products. You earn commissions on sales, which can add up if you know your AI tools and can market them well.

  4. Consulting Services: Offer consulting services to businesses wanting to implement AI solutions. Show your expertise and provide tailored solutions, and you can charge premium rates.

  5. Digital Products: Create and sell digital products like eBooks, templates, and software tools that leverage AI. These can be marketed and sold through various online platforms.

Let’s explore how you can start using AI tools to create and manage these revenue streams, ensuring a diversified and stable income for you and your family.

AI Tools to help with personal income (midjourney image by author)

For more tips, check out our article on ai automation.

Making Money with AI: Simple Strategies

Using AI tools can help you make some serious cash. Here are some easy ways for startups, business owners, bloggers, and content marketers to earn passive income and grow their audience.

Beehiiv Newsletter: Cash in on Your Content

Beehiiv is a great platform for creating and monetizing newsletters. With AI automation, you can streamline your content creation and distribution, making it easier to earn money through ads and subscriptions.

Medium Partner Program: Double Your Reach

Repurpose your Beehiiv content and publish it on to reach more people and make extra cash.

The Medium Partner Program pays you based on how much people engage with your articles. By using ai tools for content creation, you can quickly produce high-quality articles that attract more readers.

Create and Sell Courses: Share Your Knowledge

Selling courses is another great way to make money with AI tools. The author of AI Business Plans created a course and sold it on The Whop Marketplace. This included a membership area with course materials, a book, and a private Discord group, offering a complete learning experience.

Using AI tools, you can automate many parts of course development and marketing, making it easier for both you and your students.

By using these strategies, you can effectively use AI tools to create steady income streams. For more info on how to use AI for passive income, check out our articles on automation tools and ai platform.

Making Money with AI Business Plans

Use AI to bring people together as a community. (midjourney image by author)

Let's talk about how AI can help you make some serious cash. has got some cool tools for startups, business owners, bloggers, and content marketers to use AI for financial gain.

AI Business Plans Newsletter

The AI Business Plans newsletter is a great example of how AI tools can be used to create a valuable revenue stream. This newsletter shows you how to use these tools and documents the process, giving subscribers a mind map of prompts and a toolbox of various AI tools with revenue streams. It's like turning the newsletter itself into a money-making machine [1].

By offering detailed insights and practical guides, the newsletter helps subscribers implement AI-powered strategies in their own businesses. This not only boosts their understanding of AI but also gives them actionable steps to make passive income.



Mind Map of Prompts

Detailed AI prompts for different business needs

Tool Chest

A collection of AI tools for making money

Practical Guides

Step-by-step instructions for using AI strategies

For more info on how to automate your business with, visit our page on ai automation.

Machined AI Content Creation

Community is King. AI can do your content. (midjourney image by author)

Machined AI is a tool that makes creating high-quality content super easy using artificial intelligence. The author found this tool to be incredibly effective for generating engaging and informative content [2].

By using Machined AI, you can create long-form blog posts that can be broken down into smaller sections and scheduled for sharing on platforms like This strategy not only saves time but also boosts SEO by creating multiple backlinks to the original content.

For those interested in exploring more about's automated solutions, check out our section on automated solutions.

Content Cluster SEO Strategy

A content cluster SEO strategy involves creating a series of interlinked articles around a central topic. This approach helps to maximize SEO impact and create a valuable asset over time.

By interlinking articles within the content cluster, businesses can boost their search engine rankings and drive more organic traffic to their websites. This strategy is particularly effective when combined with AI-generated content, as it ensures a steady flow of high-quality, relevant material.



Interlinking Articles

Boosts SEO and user experience

AI-Generated Content

Ensures a steady flow of high-quality material

Multiple Backlinks

Improves search engine rankings

For more tips on how to use AI tools for SEO, visit our guide on ai platform.

By integrating these AI tools and strategies, businesses can effectively generate revenue and grow their online presence. From newsletters to content creation and SEO optimization, provides the resources needed to succeed in the digital world.

Make Money While You Sleep with WHOP Marketplace

Your community is your strength (midjourney image by author)

WHOP Marketplace is your golden ticket to building a community around your content - and making passive income.

Whether you're a startup, business owner, blogger, or content marketer, there are plenty of ways to cash in using AI tools and community-building strategies.

Free AI Tools: Your New Best Friends

Why spend hours on tasks when free AI tools can do the heavy lifting?

Tools like ChatGPT can whip up eye-catching PDF giveaways to attract potential customers.

These PDFs can be packed with valuable info or insights about your niche, making people eager to sign up for a paid membership.

AI Tool

What It Does



Creates PDF Giveaways


Automates Tasks



Designs Promo Material


Using AI tools, you can automate boring tasks like email marketing, social media posts, and data crunching. This frees up your time to focus on growing your business.

Build a Buzzing Discord Community

A Discord server isn't just for gamers. It's a goldmine for passive income.

Create a server around a hot topic like gamefi, NFTs, or crypto, and offer exclusive content to paying members.

How to Set Up Your Discord Server:

  1. Create Server: Start a server tailored to your niche.

  2. Organize Channels: Set up channels for different topics and services.

  3. Engage Members: Keep the conversation going with regular updates.

  4. Offer Exclusive Content: Give paying members access to premium stuff.

For more tips on using AI to manage your Discord, check out our guide on automation tools.

Partner Up for More Bucks

Promotional partnerships can skyrocket your audience and income. Team up with competitors and product vendors to expand your reach. Here’s how:

  • Referral Partnerships: Be generous with referral offers and support your sales team. Use social media and blogging to boost referral earnings.

  • Vendor Partnerships: Work with product vendors for exclusive deals and promotions that draw more users to your platform.

Partnership Type

What to Do


Referral Partnerships

Promote on Social Media, Blog

More Earnings

Vendor Partnerships

Offer Exclusive Deals

Grow Audience

Strong partnerships can seriously boost your passive income on WHOP.

By using free AI tools, setting up a lively Discord community, and forming smart partnerships, you can unlock a treasure trove of passive income opportunities on WHOP Marketplace.

Boost Your Passive Income with WHOP

The WHOP Marketplace is a goldmine for creating passive income using AI tools and some clever strategies. Here are three solid ways to grow your passive income streams on WHOP.

Snazzy PDF Giveaways

Who doesn't love free stuff? Creating eye-catching PDF giveaways is a fantastic way to grab leads and turn them into paying customers. With AI tools like ChatGPT, whipping up valuable content for these PDFs is a breeze. Think of an informative guide or an exclusive report that visitors can't resist.


What to Do


Use ChatGPT to whip up top-notch content for your PDF.


Design your PDF using Canva or Adobe Spark.


Blast it out on social media and through email marketing.


Offer the PDF as a freebie in exchange for email addresses.

Set up a landing page where folks can snag your PDF in exchange for their email. This not only builds your email list but also keeps your audience hooked with valuable content. For more tips on automated solutions, check out our section on automated solutions.

Referral Partnership Tactics

Referral partnerships can skyrocket your passive income by tapping into the reach and trust of others. Be generous with your referral offers and support your partners to get the most out of it. Here’s how to get started:


What to Do


Find potential referral partners in your niche.


Offer juicy commissions for referrals.


Give your partners promotional materials.


Spread the word through social media and blogs.

Promote your referral partnerships through social media, blogs, and email newsletters. By building strong relationships with your partners, you can create a steady stream of passive income. For more automation strategies, visit our section on automation tools.

Vendor Partnerships for Expansion

Teaming up with vendors is key to scaling your passive income on WHOP. Get involved with the community and build relationships with product vendors for win-win collaborations. Here’s how to do it:


What to Do


Find vendors whose products go well with yours.


Reach out with a proposal for collaboration.


Set terms for revenue sharing or cross-promotion.


Promote vendor products to your audience.

Vendor partnerships can include joint promotions, affiliate programs, or bundled offers.

By teaming up with vendors, you can expand your reach and offer more value to your audience.

Growing passive income streams on WHOP is all about smart use of AI tools, effective partnerships, and engaging giveaways.

These methods can help startups, business owners, bloggers, and content marketers hit financial success through automation and savvy monetization strategies.

Automate Your Blog Posts and Boost Your Income

Get This Right and The Rest is Easy (midjourney image by author)

Automating your blog posts can save you time and make you more money. Whether you're a startup, business owner, blogger, or content marketer, using tools like AI tools can turn your blog into a passive income machine.

OpusClip: Your Content Posting Sidekick

OpusClip is an AI tool that lets you post 10 times more short-form content with just 10% of the usual effort.

Marketers using OpusClip save over 10 hours a week, grow their YouTube subscribers by 60%, and boost video views by 5 times.

Create Content Like a Pro with AI Tools

AI tools like Chat GPT and Perplexity AI can help you create, rewrite, and format content for different platforms. These tools make the process efficient and tailored to your niche.

Here's what these tools can do for you:

  • Research up-to-date data

  • Format content for platforms like Medium

  • Rewrite and optimize content for better engagement

Once your articles are published, they can reach a large audience, adding to your revenue. For more on automated solutions, visit automated solutions.

Keep an Eye on Your Earnings

Tracking and analyzing your earnings from AI-generated blog posts is key to long-term success. By monitoring how each post performs, you can see what works best.

Revenue can come from various sources, like Medium earnings, reader engagement, and promoting monetized articles.

The goal is to earn consistently from each post, creating a network of income-generating content. This strategy uses steady traffic and engagement to build a sustainable passive income stream.

Blog Post

Earnings Source

Estimated Reach

AI-Generated Article

Medium Earnings

2400 readers

Monetized Article

Reader Engagement


Promotional Content

Additional Income


For more info on automation tools, visit automation tools.

Connect on YouTube and Linkedin — Try our Community.

Be safe and make small steps forward every day.


With so many small newsletters with big claims, these are the two that stand out from twenty startups.

Simple AI

➤ offers the Agent AI newsletter, which helps over 100,000 subscribers learn to use AI agents to enhance their careers or businesses. It covers practical insights, strategies, and updates on AI developments, making it easier for readers to stay ahead in the AI landscape. - Read Here.


➤ The AI PMO provides AI tools, strategies, prompts, and workflows to enhance the efficiency of project management offices (PMOs). Over 634 PMO leaders receive free, practical AI insights every Thursday, helping them to amplify their team's efforts and become AI thought leaders in their organizations. - Read Here.


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